In this way, you can use plentiful little unimportant tasks to block those stressful and frustrating tasks that you actually should be performing. By making sure that you're instantly alerted whenever there is an email that might require your immediate attention, and then ensuring that you have a constant stream of emails that could require attention, you will be able to turn what threatens to be productive time into something completely different.
Interrupts are often used in computer system and embedded devices that have to deal with real time demands --- either from other hardware devices, or from big squishy things such as users. Processors, which typically present a serial behavior to the user deal with these annoyances by using interrupts or polling. An interrupt driven machine has hardware dedicated to waking it up in a new state when there's something that has to be done NOW. It will then get on with handling the pesky interruption, and return to the regularly scheduled programming. Unless, of course, another interrupt happens while the interrupt is being handled. This can put the machine into a terrible state of confusion, so a common approach is to simply not allow it. Another is to allow it, but only allow more important things to interrupt, for example using interrupt priority levels. When servicing a level 1 interrupt, you might be interrupted by just about anything, whereas you would never get interrupt when running, say, a level 31 interrupt. This would be equivalent to not letting a coworker interrupt your work, but immediately responding to your manager.
Computers that don't have interrupts use polling; instead of performing useful work, they check on the state of the things that could be sending an interrupt. (Has the user pressed a key? No? What about now? No? What about now? No? ...) While interrupts superficially appear useful for the purposes of procrastination, polling is pure brilliance. By training yourself to go your email application and check for new email every so often (and then go to CNN, just in case the world is about to end, or O.J. got up to something, and then check FARK, because if O.J. didn't get up to anything, surely someone did, and ...) there is really no end to how much procrastination you can get in. Further, though it is probably already obvious to the astute reader, it turns out that interrupts are only truly useful if they force you to poll; a good email filter would trivially sort out the wheat from the chaff and leave you without good interruptions. Polling, on the other hand, because it forces you to actively check, and ideally to remember a lot of external state (have I already read this story?) will not only take time in its own right, it will also have the added benefit of significantly decreasing your productivity when you do happen to turn to the real task.
Home work for the next time:
Read this blog every minute for the next several days, just in case I edited the article.
If you're not able to do that just yet, don't give up, try practicing on first.